
Frequently asked questions

Timebanking for individuals ISN’T TIMEBANKING THE SAME AS VOLUNTEERING?  Yes and no! Technically speaking, timebanking is reciprocal informal volunteering, where each member can offer skills and time, and request skills and time from other people in return. Timebanking is flexible and enables people to dip in and out as much as they like, donating their time as they wish. It works around your own …

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How timebanking works

How timebanking works FOR EVERY HOUR GIVEN, YOU EARN AN HOUR IN RETURN. In timebanking, you help someone for an hour (or thereabouts) – for example by mowing their lawn or doing their shopping.  For every hour of help you give, you earn an hour’s credit from your time bank. You can spend your time credit by receiving an hour of someone else’s time. For …

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