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Register Your Nik-coin

This is Dajleh:
Where goodness is currency

Bank of goodness with Nik-Coin currency
Your Time is Valuable, Even if You Work Free

Register your valuable hours and extend a helping hand to others.

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Give your hours to others, get nikil!


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dajleh goodness bank

Cynic philosophy has been a point of interest for many philosophers. Modern philosopher Michel Foucault had written about the ancient cynics in his topic “Le courage de la vérité.” Ludwig Wittgenstein has also referred to cynics, while Slavoj Zizek has been considered to be influenced by Diogenes’ cynicism.


Dajleh(A moneyless society) refers to a system where goods and services are exchanged without the need for physical currency. In such a society, people trade their skills, knowledge, and time for other goods and services that they need. This concept is not new, and there have been various attempts to implement it in different parts of the world. One example of such an initiative is the Register Goodness timebank, which is based on the principle of exchanging skills and services. The Register Goodness timebank (Dajleh) is a community-based system that operates on the principle of time banking. It is a platform where people can offer their skills and services to other members of the community in exchange for time credits. Time credits are units of time that can be used to access the services and skills offered by other members of the community. In, every hour of service offered is equivalent to one time credit. For instance, if someone offers to teach a yoga class for one hour, they earn one time credit, which can be used to access other services offered by other members of the community. These services could include things like gardening, childcare, house cleaning, or even cooking. The system works on the principle of reciprocity, where members offer their services to others and receive services from other members of the community. The Register Dajleh as a Goodness timebank is based on the idea of creating a sharing economy where resources are shared, and everyone's needs are met without the need for money. This system promotes the values of cooperation, community, and sustainability, which are essential in creating a more equitable society. Additionally, it provides an opportunity for people to use their skills and knowledge to help others and, in turn, receive help when they need it. One of the advantages of Dajleh(a moneyless society) is that it reduces the reliance on money as the only means of exchange. This system enables people to trade their skills and services, which they might not have otherwise been able to afford. For instance, someone might be willing to offer their skills in website design to a small business that cannot afford to hire a professional designer. In exchange, they can receive services such as childcare or house cleaning that they need. Moreover, Dajleh(a moneyless society) promotes the values of cooperation and community. It encourages people to work together and support each other in meeting their needs. It also fosters a sense of social responsibility and encourages people to be more aware of the needs of others in their community. In conclusion, Dajleh(a moneyless society) based on the principles of time banking and sharing economy can create a more equitable and sustainable society. Initiatives like the Register Goodness timebank are essential in promoting the values of cooperation, community, and social responsibility. By working together and sharing our skills and resources, we can create a society where everyone's needs are met without the need for money.


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